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  • Writer's pictureAlyse Gray

From Death to Life

One month into the new job and so far so good. It's so different from what I'm used to, but the past few years of dealing with my mother's illness, reading books, and listening to podcasts on social skills have prepared me well.

I get to meet every patient enrolled in our studies. In some cases I sit next to them in the waiting room. Although I've never had real live patients(they've either been pieces of people or deceased), I try to be encouraging. I became very familiar with waiting room life over the course of my mother's cancer treatments, and understand to some degree what these people are going through, although not completely. Some of them have breast cancer that has spread throughout their bodies, giving them just months to live. Most of them die will during the study.

Although there is nothing I can do to save them, I look into their eyes and silently promise I will do everything I can to keep this from happening to others.

My organization is working on some very promising diagnostic tests. Some of what they are studying may lead to a cure someday. But not today. I've learned research is painstakingly slow, and for good reasons.

So what can be done right now for people who are suffering? There has to be SOMETHING. All along, that's what I've wanted. Even the book is something that I hoped would get me in a position to be able to make a difference. It was never about death-it was about life all along. But the book is in a state of limbo as I wait on others. I have to believe that patience and persistence will get it published. Like research, the process is painstakingly slow,

My desire to help people, however, cannot wait any longer. I can't wait on the book. I have to find another way.

I've decided to start a charity for breast cancer patients. I will not stand by and watch them suffer any longer.

I have come full circle, from death to life.

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